Steve Jobs Biography book sell out in China

After becoming a best seller in the e-Book, Steve Jobs biography Chinese language version is also sold out in just a few hours after launch.

As reported by Yahoo News, a book with the title "Steve Jobs: Biography", went on sale more than 20 cities in China on Monday, the same day when the book was released in bookstores United States (U.S.) and less than three weeks after Jobs dies.

"It's a good sale, we sell books in 21 cities with 30 stores books, and mostly sold out yesterday," said marketing director of Beijing CITIC Press, Kong Yan.

Apple's brand is very popular in China, many fans who queued for days to get the latest products.

Readers in China reveals a sincere admiration for Jobs. "I felt like he was talking directly to me," said Da Peng Peng told China microblog service, Sina Weibo.

"I was touched by the admirable honesty and his ideas," he said

This book was written by Walter Isaacson, Isaacson therein contained 4o interview with Jobs since 2009 and with over 100 family members, friends, business associates and rivals.

Jobs's official biography was originally scheduled for release in early 2012 but then moved forward on 24 October, several weeks after the death of Jobs.

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